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  • Writer's pictureQuentin Boyes

Come out to play Dennis

Well, well Beano is 85 this year.

Now here's a baby boomer icon and a half.

Surely there's more fun to be had than a tiny roundle, halfway down the front cover, Beano 85 Beano No 4196, to celebrate?

I'm off to track down Mike, Beano's Director of Mischief and see if we can help him stir up a bit amongst us middle-aged mutant ninja sewer-gators, as Dennis sees us. Well just old probably. How short-sighted.

Sure Gnasher, Minnie, Billy and Dodger are also up for it.

Anyone got some classic Beano memories they fancy sharing? Jokes? Or party ideas for sewer-gators to celebrate?

Drop 'em to us, and we'll pass them on with full credits.

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